Compo Camp 2007 - Dead Man's Chest

"Aye! Me hearties, Long John Silver yer Captin' spekin'- Shiver me Timbers 'ave I got a tale 'ere for yer.... So pull up yer stool, fil yer mug with 'nother grog 'an listen carefully 't tis venture me tells of!..."

In an epic maritime adventure the power teams of Northern district fought on seas and beaches in a bid to be the first to uncover pirate Davy Jones' heart. This shoreline adventure was held on the tranquil waters of Arrow Park, Benoni - organised by none other than the Mside Trio plus one. A fleet of Galley's lined the shore and the scouters team proved a merry bunch of pirates.

Glenhurst once again proved their mighty scouting skills were superior and took home the trophy, but not without some healthy competition from the other troops!